Holy Spirit touches people in House Church meeting

Last night, Desert Princess and myself ministered together in a House Church meeting. During the time we were sharing, the Lord gave me a word of knowledge for a upper neck/head problem. One man had this problem and we prayed for him corporately and all the pain left. We gave a couple of other words too, but waited for the ministry time to pray for those people. I am only able to relate some of what happened, because when we broke into groups for prayer, I was in one group, Desert Princess was in another and a good friend of ours had a third one.

There was a real hunger for impartation - even before the meeting several had asked if we could have a time to pray for God to release Gifts of the Spirit. During the ministry time, the Lord rested on a number people and several women felt something tangible in their hands. I believe these women received healings gifts.

Much of the time we prayed for physical conditions and we saw breakthroughs with several people - a woman's locked shoulder was released and movement restored after a word of knowledge and prayer. One man who had a serious back condition saw a noticable change after we prayed several times for him.

Finally, a number of people testified to having had powerful encounters with the Holy Spirit - one friend of ours told Desert Princess that she had never felt the Father's love like she did last night. There was also quite a bit of prophetic ministry during the prayer times.

We didn't end up leaving until about 11:30pm (having started a little after 7).


  1. D.J., my friend who came to the House Church meeting, reports that her shoulder was healed that night! She's tested out the healing and confirms today, Saturday, she is still healed, even after working out at the gym on Friday! After she received prayer, she experienced tingling in her hands for the first time when she prayed for others. She also saw visions at the meeting. She has been talking to God and her husband about the meeting and the things she experienced, simply stated, she is greatly encouraged!


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