The Holy Spirit comes to ‘kingdomize’ a group of young people

Definition: to “kingdomize”: to release heaven’s resources (God’s presence, healing, prophecy) so that people are drawn to the King.

Last night, my wife, Desert Princess, and I had the chance to ‘kingdomize’ amongst a group of high school students. The Holy Spirit came upon these young people in power – some were shaking and trembling, others were in tears. Several were miraculously healed.

I had called out some words of knowledge (stomach problems, headache) which they had initially NOT responded to. Not being discouraged I waited. Eventually one Indian young woman came up to me and said that she was the one with the stomach problems. I got Desert Princess and we began to pray for her. The Spirit came upon her powerfully. Her whole body was shaking. When we asked about the stomach problem, she said it was completely gone.

Then another young woman came up to us who was responding to the headache word. The Lord had already been resting powerfully upon her while Dark Horse had just led her to the Lord. I told her the headache would be gone in a moment – we began to pray, the Spirit came and the headache was gone. Not only that, but her sinuses opened up (the cause of the headache). I don’t know where she was at spiritually, but the Lord ‘kingomized’ her last night.

While praying, I had also gotten a strong word of knowledge for someone with a left ankle injury. Someone remembered another teenage girl who had a sprained ankle and brought her too us. I declared boldly that the pain was going to go. We prayed, she tested it out, and to her amazement the pain was gone and mobility had returned.
