and what if Christians prayed for the sick??????

Tonight as I got the opportunity to pray for a muslim man to be healed and offered to pray for several others, I was wondering what would happen if Christians REALLY believed they had been given authority to heal the sick and would take risks to pray for people in public.

I live in a muslim country, and yet thousands of Christians live and work here. What would happen if say 10,000 of these Christians (there must be over 100,000 Christians overall) - so what if 10% of the Christians who lived here prayed for 1 muslim a week. that would mean that in a given week, 10,000 muslims would receive prayer for healing per week. How many would God heal?? who knows, but let's just say that 30% were healed (that would be close to what one of the leading Christian healing ministries says are healed when their teams minister).

Let's do the math - that means that in this unreached Muslim country that 3000 miracles of healing would take place each week. 156,000 miraculous healings would occur each year.

If only 10% of the Christians would pray for just 1 person's healing per week!
If only....


  1. You nailed it. So many people don't believe in healing because they don't pray for healing. The stats and success rate would go through the roof if those praying for healing were the majority instead of a minority.


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