Sheesha and Shooba

Last night the Kingdom broke out. I say that because this might be the longest post yet from Isaac of Ninevah and I wanted to start it off with a good catchy sentence like most good books do. From the beginning. . . I wrote a few posts ago that we followed a guy into a sheesha place (the hubbly-bubbly pipes so famous here in the Middle East) who was on crutches. I also noted that we didn’t see a lot of power released that night, but we got to share some of the Kingdom with a few guys. Unfortunately, we left that night without getting any numbers so we weren’t able to do any follow-up. The one guy I gave my number to, didn’t call.

Fast forward to a couple of days: Sojourner is at a wedding and M. from the sheesha place is there and walks up to him and says, “I remember you.” Sojourner asks from where and M. tells him that he remembered him from the sheesha place. M. then proceeded to tell Sojourner that he had been talking with a friend at work about what had happened Sunday night and his friend was really interested’ M. said, “My friend believes that Jesus heals and wants to meet you guys.” So, Sojourner gave M. Tenacious B’s and my phone number. The next morning, Tenacious B. got a phone call and set up a meeting for Friday night at 9 at the same sheesha place.

On Friday night, we gather together with some other people who want more of the Lord and pray. This past Friday night, though, we were blessed to have an itinerant prophet from India with us. This guy prophesied over us before we left to go meet with these guys. He prophesied that we would see some great things. Tenacious B. and I said Amen and headed out. When we got to the sheesha place, we found M. and his boss, N. already smoking it up. We sat down and started talking. I’ll let Tenacious B. recount this part because he had some really anointed stuff. Somewhere in the midst of the conversation, N. asked us about healing and if we could know his problems and his secrets. We explained that we know what God tells us and we know only as accurately as we hear and take the time to get the right interpretation. We also explained that we had to practice and that God gives many gifts in seed form and if we don’t use what we get, it doesn’t grow.

I, then, pulled out the notebook and went to my list of words that I had gotten before during the prayer time. By now another guy had joined us. My first word went flat. It was for a left arm and no one had it. My second word for a pain in the back right shoulder was on for N. and M. volunteered that he had a pain in his left shoulder. I also had a picture of someone gambling, but that wasn’t on (though another guy who joined us later said that he gambled “for fun only.”) I also had a word for a skin condition on the right forearm. M. showed me a scar in that exact place. I dismissed it thinking it was for a rash or something, though in hindsight I think I should have pursued it, i.e., how did it happen, etc. Heck, God can take scars away, too. I also had a generalized word about fear that no one really owned. However, the next word landed. About an hour and half before, I had written in my journal “dead camel important.” So, I asked the guys if any of them owned camels (by the way, it’s a stereotype that every Arab has a camel). Only one guy in the group did-- M. I asked him if one had died last week or so and if it was important. He told me that his $8000 (it may have been $80,000, but I forget) racing camel had died three weeks ago because someone put the evil eye on it. Now, to be honest, I was more surprised than M. That was a pretty specific word. I prayed that the Lord would restore his loss. I also had a word about someone with a child who was asthmatic. Again, M. confirmed that his 10 month old girl was asthmatic. We started praying for the physical words. Tenacious B. went after a knee and I went after N.’s shoulder. I prayed a couple of times and asked him to test it. He said it was better, but not a 100%. I asked him if he wanted to feel something really crazy and he said, “Yeah!” I put my hand on his heart and released the Father’s love and His peace. I asked him what he felt and he said he couldn’t describe it and then, as he pointed to the area around his chest, continued that he felt something cold like breathing in the AC. I asked if it was refreshing and he agreed. I went on to tell him that I saw a picture of a kid being yelled at by a dad. I told him that I felt like he and his dad didn’t have the best relationship and that he didn’t go to his dad for advice. In other words, that there wasn’t a friendship there. N. confirmed the picture. I also told him that he wanted to quit smoking-- which he also confirmed.

On to M. I first told M. that he like old cars and computers. He asked me, “How did you know that?” I then asked to pray for his shoulder. After praying three times, all of his pain was gone and he was shocked. A few minutes later, I saw him out of the corner of my eye still checking it out in disbelief. Anyway, while praying, I felt like he had an older brother who was facing a tough decision about a job and that M. felt like he couldn’t really help him out with the decision. M. said that it was true, but not a natural brother, just a really close friend. I declared that he would get a dream that he could share with his friend that would help him with this decision. I, then, asked if he played Halo on the internet with a headset and he looked at me incredulously as one of the other guys laughingly said, “He can see you!”

About halfway through with M. another guy came in and M. encouraged me to read my list with him. So, I went down the list again and he confirmed the gambling word “only for fun” and a word I had received about being uneasy about going home every night. He also confirmed a word for allergies (as did another one of the guys). Finally, we told us he had a pain in his left thigh. I gave a word about a wrist and at that moment he didn’t respond, but after some of the other guys had gotten touched he finally chimed in with his wrist pain on his right hand. Before this guy had come in though, I had gotten a word about a woman’s name that started with an L or a place in the city. It turned out that this was significant to this guy as well.

Prior to leaving, N. motioned to his other friend and said, “What about him?” I looked at him and just started prophesying that he was a really funny guy and the life of the party and people enjoyed being around him. He turned slightly red, grinned, and nodded. Tenacious B., of course, had already been praying for his knee as well which had significant improvement and some of his food allergies. I also told the guys that I had gotten part of a number “309.” M. looked through his phone and said that he had called France and the number was “3049.” We all agreed it wasn’t close enough and kept talking, though at this point I’m thinking I should have asked more questions about it. As we were leaving, we shook hands all around and I prayed again for the guy with the wrist pain and he said, “It feels a little better, and I felt power coming out of your hand.” Good thing he did, I didn’t really. I was just praying. These guys have now heard some apostolic preaching and seen the stuff. They are regulars at this sheesha joint and we’re looking forward to seeing them again soon.

Why smoke sheesha when you can toke the shooba?
