Love encounters through the power of God in the malls

While in a neighboring county a group of us went to the mall on a treasure hunt. This is a fun term we use for moving in prophetic evangelism through the means of getting words of knowledge from God and stepping out in signs and wonders. There must have been about 40 of us there for the hunt, so we split up into groups of 4 and divided up into different sections of the mall. Before we went out God showed us pictures in our mind of the different people we would encounter as we walked around, and the different locations we would find them. As my group took off in one direction we bumped into another treasure hunt group. Jokingly I went over to one guy in the group and slapped him on the back and said” what’s wrong with your knee”. I was totally just goofing off in my enthusiasm, but the guy looked at me and told me that there was in fact pain in his knee. “Really”, I said in disbelief. I couldn’t believe that I was right by accident! So I bent down in the mall, laid my hands on his knee and God healed it right there! He bent down and tested it out and the pain was totally gone! Then another guy piped up on my team that also had a bad knee but had not said anything. We prayed for him and he got healed! He was ecstatic! Then yet another guy in my group confessed to having shoulder pain, and he got healed too! So within 3 minutes of our hunt our whole team was healed! How many of you know that God wants to see us healed just as much as he wants to see those we are seeking healed. If he can do it for them, he can do it for us!

After this we walked around the mall pain free for 45 minutes and saw absolutely no breakthrough. Every person we approached turned us down or wanted nothing to do with us. We were not being rude or obtrusive in any way, just offering healing from the God who heals. As we walked back to the coffee shop from where we started we began feeling a little discouraged. We saw lots of the people we had on our list, but they did not want healing when we approached them. When we got to the coffee shop we encountered a group of teenagers just hanging out. Stepping out in boldness one last time, I walked into the midst of them and asked if any of them had back pain. They looked at me weird, and then asked why. I told them that we were miracle workers and that we were going around healing people. The boy closest to me asked if I was a Christian. I said yes. He said that he did not have a back problem, but his mom did at home. “Get her on the phone” I said. We have seen many people healed over the cell phone, so we thought we would give it a shot. The boy called his mom and one of the guys on my team talked to her and prayed over the phone. She could not tell right then if she was healed, but said she would know better in the morning. She then told my team member that he needed to tell her son to come to our healing meetings that we were having. So we gave him the church contact details. While this was happening I was talking to another teenager who had migraines. I told him I was a doctor from Heaven and that God could heal his headache right now. He tried to ask me for my natural “medical” advice on how he could stop the migraines, but I could only offer healing from God. He let me pray and the pain left! He was a little startled, but the pain was all gone! Praise God! We told him about our meetings and I got him hooked up with one of the local pastors. It was an awesome time! One of the teenagers asked me if this was a gag, and if actually he was on Candid –Camera or something. I assured him it was all real and there were no hidden cameras. Once we left the group of guys, one of the boys came running back and asked us if we could pray for him to receive Jesus into his heart, right there in the mall! He was afraid to bring it up with all his friends there, but God had touched his heart with a love encounter and now he wanted a relationship with Jesus. We led him to the lord and got him plugged into a church in revival! Praise God! That is the best place to start! This all happened within 10 minutes!

The next day at our healing service we saw the guy who got saved in the mall, and they guy whose mom we prayed for over the cell phone. They had come to the meeting! Then at the end of the service during ministry time they came up and testified to God healing them.  One of them had been having extreme pain in his eye and it affected his sight. God totally healed it! It was at this service that I also got to pray for a woman who had been partially deaf in one ear for many years and she got healed. Her ear opened up and she testified to being able to hear perfectly well. She could understand every word I was saying even at a distance! It was awesome!

I really feel that this experience opened me up a lot to the power behind stepping out in signs and wonders. God is love, and that love manifests in healings, deliverances and salvations. I am in awe of God and all he does. I am continually amazed. 
