prophetic ministry and healings in multicultural church meeting

This morning a team of us were invited to come and minister prophetically in a new church about which Isaac already blogged. 4 of us went and a couple of things really "stood out" to me this morning.

First of all, I was told we could have about 20 minutes in the service to give prophetic words. In the past, I would have been nervous with a team of 10 to prophesy for that lenghth of time. Today, we couldn't even finish giving the words the Lord had given us - words for the Church corporately, words to individuals and words of knowledge for healing. We've come a long way.

The second thing that struck me was the level of confirmation we witnessed this morning. Four of us were asking the Lord for revelation and when it came time to give the words publically the Lord had highlighted a number of the same people and spoke the same things (we hadn't compared notes).

The third thing was the way the Lord used us "as a team", not only to give prophetic words but to actually minister healing at the end of the service.

One example, one man came to me with a word that Isaac had given. I prayed for him and we saw a level of breakthrough (in his case an injury to his left shoulder blade). After I couldn't get any more breakthrough, I sent him to Isaac who continued to pray and he saw more healing come. This had been a very specific word in which Isaac had mentioned that the injury had happened two weeks earlier. With that kind of accuracy, we weren't going to simply give up. After Isaac prayed, I jumped back in with this guy (who was patient with us:) as we had gotten him to about 70% healed. With a Kingdom violence, I just commanded the 7 to jump to a 9
(70% to 90%). We asked him how it was - he declared, "It just went to a 9"! What a illustration of team ministry and the importance of praying more than once.

In another case, Isaac had given a word about a right ear problem - either hearing loss or an infection. While walking past a group of 4 at the end of the service, I got the same word of knowledge. A couple of minutes later one of that group came up to me for pray for the right ear problem. Full of faith, I was able to pray and the Spirit of the Lord came upon that ear - he could feel God's presence manifested in 'tingling'. I told him to have a doctor confirm what I knew the Lord had just done.

I think we modeled yet again to another Church that God desires us to minister as teams - and if we will reject the "one man show" model, we will see so much more of God's Kingdom come.
