palestinian muslim man calls for healing prayer

a man I met over a month ago called me yesterday wanting to get "treatment" for a chronic neck problem - he wore a neck brace and had shooting pain down the arm. we set up a time to meet last night in a coffee shop. he came with a Syrian muslim friend. Ravished, Isaac of Ninevah and I all together and first they began to prophesy over both of these men. I basically explained to these men that my friends "see things and would be willing to share with you what they see". they prophesyed a number of things regarding both of these men (I'll let them blog some of those things).

after a while, we moved into a time of healing prayer. we asked him to removed his neck brace and we were able to lay hands on him to begin releasing God's Kingdom. After praying once or twice, the pain decreased about 40% and he had greater mobility. he could sense something happening both in his neck and throughout his entire body. we told him that it was God's presence as He was bringing healing. we prayed a couple of more times and saw him get about 20% better (total of 60%). right at the end, I received two very specific words of knowledge - both for his neck and the affected arm/hand.

he left us and WAS NOT wearing the neck brace he came with - I told him that the neck brace would become 'a historical artifact' after the Lord's healing was completed. we had wanted to see the complete healing at that moment, but left him with a couple of testimonies of people receiving the fullness of their healing the following day - any work the Lord begins, He is faithful to complete it.
