Out and About

Last night, we had the opportunity to spread the shooba around the world. First of all, man came by the house for prayer. He has had an on-going intestinal problem for about a year. Before he came in, we prayed and listened for what the Lord wanted to do that night. Part of my list had "intestinal problems" written on it. So, when our friend came by for prayer, I showed him the list and he nodded, smiled, and said, "Yeah, I know. I know you and your notebook." (We've meet several times previously.) We prayed for him and while we were praying, DJ and he felt heat in his abdomen. Later, one of the other guys with us said, "I felt something moving big time around in his stomach when we were praying for him." We're still waiting on his CAT scan later this month. We're contending that it will show nothing abnormal and that he will be pain free.

Afterwards, we skyped a lady in Africa with lung cancer. Over the internet, we released the Kingdom. She said later that she felt something when we were praying. We're still waiting word back on her condition.

We then went out on some words we had and for an appointment with Tenacious B and another one of our friends. For the appointment, we met in a coffee shop. While we were talking about jobs and things, it popped into my mind that he had recently been promoted. I asked him about it, and he said, "How did you know that?" Now let me stop here and say that I'm not sure if it was just intuition or the voice of the Lord. To be honest, it caught me off guard. It wasn't like I had gotten the word earlier and written it down. It came as I was talking. This hasn't been my usual MO, so it is new territory for me. If it was from the Lord, I say more. If it was just my own intuition, I say, "Thanks, Jesus for making me me." I also gave him a few more words and even though they were "right," he wasn't that interested in following that line of thought.

After the coffee shop, we went to another place that the Lord had directed both DJ and I independently. We really thought that there was something there for us and we tried for a long time to find it, but we ended up without seeing any miracles. Nonetheless, it is still encouraging because both DJ and I got the same location prophetically and our city is rather large. It's great when there's that kind of confirmation. Who knows, maybe the place was on, but the timing off.

We'll see.
