It Ain't All Winning

Our group had been to this particular fellowship many times before and one on occasion a few months ago we had had the opportunity to pray for this baby with a heart condition. However, this past Friday, the pastor of the group brought this man to me and explained to me that he was having a hard time receiving the teaching about healing because his daughter (the baby we had been praying for) had just died. Instantly, the compassion of Jesus fell on me and I hugged this total stranger and as we both wept openly, I whispered in his ear, “This was not part of God’s will. This was not His plan. I don’t understand healing anymore than you do. I don’t know why this happens. I do know that it isn’t right.” I prayed on that Jesus would help carry his pain and would draw close to mourn with him. I don’t know how much my words meant to him, but I know the embrace was probably more powerful. Sometimes the shooba is weeping with those who weep.
