FEAR Extinguishers - (DAY 10) - CHURCH ON WHEELS

As our community looks toward our weekly meeting in a couple of days, we will be taking to the streets once again and this week we are calling it "Church on Wheels".

Our mandate is to be "Fear Extinguishers" at this time - to bring hope, to bring peace, to pray with the fearful, to pray for protection and to also pray for healing whenever and wherever we can!

In many of the places that I have been visiting, and especially when I have been speaking with Christians who cannot GO TO church at this time, I have said, "I am bringing church to you". 

So this Friday our small community will be the "Church on Wheels" - loading up our vehicles and going to every open restaurant, open coffee shop and/or other business establishments to BRING CHURCH to them.

Thousands of Christians are not able to go to church in this country at this time.  The vast majority of them do not attend churches that have the capacity to do "Virtual Online Church". 

And what if they aren't Christians?  We'll do exactly the same thing and offer to pray for peace, for protection, and for provision.

These days are simply unprecedented and we are thrilled that God is leading us through them!  We are making the most of the opportunities that God is giving us.  With each new restriction that is being placed upon us, He is giving us ideas and strategies to respond.

I know that many across the world will be doing "Virtual Online Church" this weekend - and that is great, and I pray you are encouraged and built up as you do it.  BUT...I don't think Jesus would simply lead you to "keep it all to yourself".  In other words, Jesus wouldn't log on to the Church website, watch the service online and then call it a day.  No...I think we all know exactly what Jesus would be doing and saying to us in this hour.

TAKE IT OUT - yes, with wisdom...fine to do it with 'social distancing' (we are!).  But for HEAVEN'S SAKE, take it to the people who are not online for church this weekend. 

...for such a time as this!
