Jesus Invades!

Last Sunday night, Tenacious B and I were visiting some muslim friends. After about an hour of business conversation, it came up that one of the guys was plagued by evil spirits in his house. Yes, you read that correctly, evil spirits. He asked us what we knew about them. Tenacious B recounted to them the story in the Gospels about how if one spirit leaves it might bring back seven more even worse. The man, S., agreed. Tenacious B, though, felt led to pray for peace for him and protection against these spirits. So, S came over and sat down between us and we prayed for peace and protection and physical restoration. This in itself was amazing since the past few times we had met he had been nearly antagonistic about Christians praying. After we prayed, he claimed he didn't feel anything, but we could tell his countenance had changed.

The other man, M., told us that he watched Christian satellite all the time and knew that Christians prayed for people. I got a word for circulation problems in the legs. So, we asked. He nodded and said that he had that problem. He allowed us to pray for him. As we were praying, I put my hand on his shoulder and prayed for peace and full health. He asked us to pray for another condition as well. I also got a word that he was a generous man full of wisdom and that people came to him for counsel. He agreed and from his eyes, you could tell Jesus was working on him. We asked if he felt anything and he said that it felt like someone was rubbing his shoulder where my hand was. I told him that I wasn't moving my hand and he said, "I know you're not, but there was something moving there." A few moments later, I got a word about him having a dream recently that he couldn't figure out and that had been on his mind. He agreed, but the circumstances weren't right for us to work through it right then.

Jesus showed up yet again!
