a WAY MAKER through COVID-19

Like many across the Body of Christ, our community has been singing Leeland's song "Way Maker".

Little did we know that it was going to become so literal in these days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the Middle Eastern Muslim country in which we live, the restrictions have been tightening for the past few weeks.  But through it all, God has made a way - He's been truly a "Way Maker".

We've been able to find ways to meet (and not just virtually, but in person), we've been able to minister to so many people in the midst of the ever-increasing limitations and restrictions.

Even today, when one of the main ways we have been interacting with people and praying for people has been taken away, the Lord opened new doors.  Unprecedented doors. 

One of my frustrations, since this began, is that the opportunity to minister to the local Muslim population has been far more limited than it is normally.  Yes, we have been able to minister to many different other nationalities and people groups, but it was sad that we haven't been as able to spend time with our local friends.  Even AT THE VERY MOMENT, I was praying for this frustration today while were walking in our neighborhood, God gave me a word of knowledge for the local Arab Muslim man we were passing by.  The word was accurate and I got to explain to him what God had revealed to me as a Christian, what God intended to do for him, and to declare healing over him. 

God truly is a WAY MAKER!  Let us follow Him closely in these days. Let us attune ourselves to His voice and watch the doors He will open for you to love others.

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