FEAR Extinguishers (DAY 21) - praying for a Nubian and for justice

I went back today to the place that had given me free coffee two days ago - this time to pay for my coffee AND to see what door God would open.  All of the people I had prayed for two days ago were there, but today there was another one, an Egyptian Muslim man from Nubia (the far south of Egypt).  Nubians historically were all Christians.  In fact, Christianity had reached them by the end of the 1st century!  I began to show him an Arabic video which was a prayer by the Egyptian Coptic priest Father Makary Younan.  And guess what?  He already knew about him!  I told him that my wife and I had learned a lot about how to pray in Arabic for healing and exorcism from Father Makary.  I told him that there were many videos he could watch on YouTube.  May this man return to the faith of his fathers and find again the Christ whom the Nubians worshipped for centuries before being coerced into the religion of Islam.

After leaving the coffee place, I checked in the staff of another restaurant I have been visiting during our "fear extinguishing" adventures.  The Filipino woman at the counter shared with me the fear she had and I began to speak about this upcoming week being Holy Week as we prepare for Easter.  I asked her to put her hand on her heart and I prayed that God would replace her fear with faith, her anxiety with joy. 

She then opened up to me about how they had not been paid their salaries in 3 months!  I was shocked as this wasn't related to the pandemic, but rather to the injustice of their employer.  So I was able to pray specifically for that situation, for God's justice to be manifested in their lives.  I prayed specifically that it would happen during this coming week, during Holy Week.  And that it would be a "sign and a wonder" to them that God had intervened. Two of her co-workers who were in the kitchen could hear our conversation and my prayer for all of them.  May God move on their behalf and may they all draw near to Him at this time.

...for such a time as this!

#nubian #justice #covid19church #covid19 #covid-19 #coronavirus
