FEAR Extinguishers (DAY 20) - CHURCH ON WHEELS 2.0 - over 100 people received prayer!

DISCLAIMER - in NO WAY did we violate the guidelines that the country has outlined in this time, and we practiced proper social distancing in every establishment we were able to enter.  And the reason I say this is because it is a LIE that Christians cannot be out ministering to the lost and hurting at this time.  Jesus would be out and we follow Him.  Of course, there are certain people that due to health/age considerations should not be doing this, but the idea that we should be simply staying at home means that literally millions of people around the world will not be encountering Christians in their time of greatest need.

One week ago we named it "Church on Wheels" and today we launched out once again as a community in different vehicles in this Muslim-majority country.  And once again God blew our minds with the opportunities He gave us to be "FEAR Extinguishers", to pray for those who can no longer go to their churches.  In fact, in a number of places that is exactly what I said - I told them, "Since you can't go to church, we have brought the church to you".

In just a couple of hours, we were able to minister to well over 100 people - we lost count quickly.  My heart broke as I thought about the tens of thousands of Christians in this small country who aren't reaching out at this time, who aren't bringing the light of the Gospel into the darkness, into the fear.

In some places, we could minister to as many as 8-10 people at once.  In other contexts, a single employee would open up a locked door and we would pray for them individually.  In every situation we identified ourselves as Christians, praying for people in Jesus' Name, directing people to Christ as their savior, as the one who can/will save them.

We got to pray for their protection, for their families, for God to protect their jobs, for their countries. We got to declare the power of the Blood of Jesus over many - and that included Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims who just happened to be standing alongside the Christians!

As Easter is approaching, we got to speak about "Passover" (the original term for Easter) and prayed that this virus's effects would 'pass over' them and their families.  Literally, it was like we were able to have a few short church services along the way.  There were many different spiritual truths that we got to share - each situation was unique.  And again, we had a number of opportunities to pray with Arab Muslims - almost entirely from Egypt.  I do know my wife was able to pray with some Gulf Arab Muslim women today as well with her team.

And did anybody object?  Not a single one. All we got was "amens" and thank yous.  I do not even know yet the other testimonies from the other teams - I heard their number estimates.  What you have just read is from the estimated over 50 people my team today ministered to.

May you become an answer to the prayer we prayed along the way - "Lord, may all Christians be doing this with the people they meet during this time".

...for such a time as this!
