FEAR Extinguishing (DAY 18) - free coffee given!

God continues to open doors whenever we get out and have the chance to interact with people.  Please don't think that you are limited!  God is making ways for those of us who will make ourselves available!

Today while out on my morning prayer walk, I got to pray for another Turkish Muslim man.  Then into an open coffee shop (which was a surprise!) and got to pray for 5 of the staff - all from India.  I assume they were all Hindus. And they were so open, so receptive.  I was able to boldly pray for the power of Jesus' Blood to come over them and their families!

And in the end, they would not let me pay for the coffee I ordered. Free coffee!!! (and it didn't matter how much I insisted, and even put the money on the counter - they wouldn't take it).

Beyond that, I was able to pray for two more Muslim men - one from Egypt and one from Bangladesh.

This is simply the greatest time ever for being able to minister openly and boldly to the people we are meeting.

Please don't miss the opportunities that God will give you!  This won't be like this forever.

...for such a time as this!
