FEAR Extinguishers (DAY 15)

We are not sure how long our "window" will remain open as they are now discussing enforcing a total curfew.

Already some restaurants/coffee places that were open are now only taking orders and either coming out to people's cars, delivering through a drive-thru window or doing home deliveries.

Today I went out to "explore the space" and see what that might look like - I was able to go through one drive-thru at a fast-food restaurant and first of all got to pray for the Nepali Hindu woman who took my order through the intercom and then got to pray for her even more and also another Egyptian man who was a Coptic Christian. When I began to pray in Arabic for the Egyptian man, I knew he was Coptic when he began praying the Lord's Prayer along with me!!

So I discovered that even if they close the restaurants/coffee places so that we can no longer go inside to pray with people, we can minister at the drive-thru windows and/or when people come to our cars to take orders.

But since we can still go inside at this point, I went in 5 different places including a McDonald's. In the McDonald's I literally got to pray for the entire staff all together - there were 10 of them. They were so receptive as I prayed for their protection, for the families' protection (most were from the Philippines), for the Power of Jesus' Blood to cover them, and got add a prayer of dedicating our lives to the Lord at this time.

In the other places, I was able to minister to a few more Muslims, a handful of Christians and some who may have been Hindu or Buddhist.

Again, it was an honor to use the freedom we currently have to continue to be a blessing, to bring hope and to "extinguish fear" in the Name of Jesus.

So once again, in this Muslim country in literally less than an hour, the Lord enabled me to pray for over 20 people from the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Nepal and a couple of other nations that I wasn't clear about.

We don't know what tomorrow will bring, but we continue to make the most of this unique season.

...for such a time as this!

#covid-19 #coronavirus #covid19church #faithnotfear #fearless #pandemic #covid19 #prayer #blessing #bloodofJesus
