FEAR Extinguishers (DAY 17) continued open doors

I thought all restaurants were now closed but found 3 that were still open. I was able to pray for one Turkish Muslim in the first restaurant (the 1st Turkish person we've encountered), and then 6 more in two other restaurants close by.  Most of them were from the Philippines and were very grateful for the prayer and the encouragement.  In one restaurant, they had heard a rumor that their salaries would be reduced and so I was able to pray for that not to happen.  I shared with them a testimony of how God provided for us this month in an unexpected way for an unexpected bill.

Finally, I was able to encourage another Egyptian Muslim security guard to look into the ministry of Fr. Makary Younan in Cairo.  He was particularly interested in his ministry of exorcism.  He was very open and as I was leaving he was about to look this man's ministry up on the internet.

As long as the doors are open, we will be taking the opportunities to pray with anybody and everybody we can.  God is faithful to open new doors every day.

"Lord, may we continue to make the most of every opportunity that we have to love those in front of us, to encourage people, to pray for their needs and to ask you Lord to take away their fear"

for such a time as this!

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