WITHOUT A VISION, THE PEOPLE PERISH - COVID-19 reflections by a "Fear Extinguisher"

Proverbs 29:18 is a well-known and oft-cited verse - especially the King James Version, 

"Where there is no vision, the people perish"

I am daily reflecting on how people are doing in the midst of the greatest global crisis in our lifetimes.  

Like all of you, we are connected to many different people.  We have our families, we have our friends, we have our church communities and we have colleagues at work.  Beyond that, we are 'hearing' from many others.  Some people seem to be doing extremely well and others are struggling tremendously.  

And what is the difference between those who are thriving and those who are not?  In many cases, I believe it boils down to "vision". 

This morning, I realized that those who have a clear mandate, or "vision" as Proverbs 29:18 calls it, in these days are the ones who seem to be doing the best.  And not just their general mandate, but those who have an "updated" or "fresh" mandate (vision) from the Lord for this hour. 

Proverbs 29:18 affirms my observation.

A better translation puts it this way: 

Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint (ESV) - yet another version speaks about people "running wild" who don't have such a vision!

This other translation captures the essential meaning better than the KJV because Proverbs 29:19 is talking about "prophetic revelation", not simply the concept of "vision" in a generic sense.  I incorrectly interpreted this verse for years, thinking of vision in this latter sense.  

God spoke to us before the COVID-19 crisis began, and then gave us a clear direction as to what our assignment was to be.  I wake up every day and am excited about the opportunities God will give us today to live out the "prophetic revelation" He gave our community.

I am witnessing some of my colleagues at work going crazy. They don't know what to be doing. They are the ones "running wild" so to speak. 

We don't know when this global pandemic is going to end, but my encouragement is to seek the Lord for His mandate for you in this hour.  We all need this.  Christians need this. Those in ministry who have had their normal ministry taken away from them, need this.  

For some, their previous assignment continues to be their current assignment.  For others, this is not the case, as it is not possible.  May we be those who are "up-to-date" with the Lord, with what He is saying.  This is our daily prayer.  

We are commanded to live by "every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).  Seek the Lord for what He wants you to be "living" for at this time.

for such a time as this!
